Dee-Zol Exceeds Customer Expectations In Multiple Ways
We received a very positive note from one of our long time customers, Dale, concerning his use of a couple of our diesel treatments Dee-Zol and ...
We've been manufacturing Dee-Zol multifunction additive since the 1950s. And we love hearing from our customers and how it's been working for them. One of our customers, Michael Forsythe, dropped us a note in May about using Dee-Zol and what it was doing for him.
I have used Dee-zol since buying my 2015 lml. I've been happy with the results: truck runs smoother, cleaner, more efficient, and with more power (seemingly). I used during the cold months this last winter with winter fuel, and no other additives, and had no issue with gelling, cold starts, or poor performance. The university study was helpful to me in determining which additive to use, and I suggest you read it, if you haven't, and consider it.
Thanks, Michael, for letting us know about your positive experiences with Dee-Zol.
We received a very positive note from one of our long time customers, Dale, concerning his use of a couple of our diesel treatments Dee-Zol and ...
We try to encourage our customers to let us know how they like their purchases, and many times we will hear from customers who started using Bell...
X-tra Lube oil additive from Bell Performance dramatically reduces frictions and wear inside an engine's metal surfaces, with dramatic results in...