Hospitals, Healthcare Facilities

Bell Fuel & Tank Services: Serving Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities Of All Types
Hospitals, nursing homes, ambulatory care and surgical centers, home health facilities – these essential health care facilities occupy a special place in the stored fuel landscape having customers (patients) who can’t afford for their stored fuels and emergency generators to fail. Hospitals and health care facilities are required by law to stay on top of their stored fuel’s condition and ensure that their emergency systems are up to snuff when it comes to being prepared for and responding to an emergency.
What Are The Costs Of Failure For These Mission-Critical Groups?
The costs of failure in this context can be dire for all parties involved. Even medical facilities, often confident in their preparedness and equipped with substantial advance notice, can unexpectedly encounter challenges when issues arise with stored emergency fuel and backup generators. Recent and impactful weather events, such as Hurricane Irma in Florida and Superstorm Sandy in the North East, highlighted avoidable tragedies that were, to some extent, connected to problems with fuel storage and tanks.
Notably, instances like the nursing home tragedy in Florida prompted regulatory changes, demanding healthcare facilities to maintain a specific quantity (measured in hours) of properly serviced backup fuel at all times. These events underscore the critical importance of ensuring efficient fuel storage and contingency plans. Inadequate preparation can lead to cascading consequences, impacting essential systems and endangering lives, thereby emphasizing the need for meticulous attention to fuel-related aspects within emergency strategies.
Looking beyond the regulations to the fuel itself, changes to today’s fuels can present a challenge to hospitals and healthcare facilities that they have no choice but to overcome.
Today’s fuels are not what they used to be.
Microbe and biomass infestations can develop quickly in today's fuels, plugging filters and compromising the ability of essential backup systems to run in an emergency. And today’s emergency diesel fuels develop harmful gums and varnishes quickly enough that they can darken and stratify in less than half the time as in years before. Not to mention the harmful effects that fuel-borne microbes and water can have on healthcare facilities’ fuel storage tanks.
For times and situations such as these, Bell Fuel & Tank Services (Bell FTS) offers the right tools and the right approach to support hospitals and healthcare facilities in their times of need.
The Bell FTS Hybrid Approach for Fuel Care & Management For Hospitals
The Bell FTS program gives the healthcare sector exactly what they need, offering a hybrid approach to keeping fuel and storage tank issues from compromising their ability to stay in compliance with regulations.
Bell Fuel and Tank Services’ hybrid approach is the most effective (and cost-effective) way for hospitals and healthcare facilities to ensure they stay fuel-problem-free and ready for business. This hybrid approach starts with the truth that proper fuel care needs more than just fuel additives, and more than just fuel polishing, to keep problems away.
Bell Fuel & Tank Services customers stay problem-free with the best fuel treatment chemistries that prevent serious problems with microbes and MIC tank corrosion.
Bell Fuel & Tank Services also provides the best mechanical tank services and mechanical fuel problem mediation, an approach that helps cover the elements of emergency backup fuel health that fuel treatment chemicals can’t achieve by themselves.
Lastly, both of these essential elements are supported by state-of-the-art testing and monitoring that ensure that healthcare facilities know what’s going on with the condition of their tanks and the fuel therein.
Taken together, these elements of the Bell Fuel & Tank Services hybrid approach predicts problems and allows corrective action to be taken instead of reacting to them after the fact. This keeps everyone happy – hospitals and healthcare facilities, the patients, and the regulators.
Helpful Resources
What's My Fuel Health Score?

Fuel Changes and How They Affect You

Top Ways Microbes Cause Fuel Headaches For Hospitals and Health Care Facilities
Technical Sheet

FTS Tank Checklist - Your Fuel May Be at Risk

Protecting Stored Fuel Best Practices

Tank Health Signs

Hurricane Preparation Checklist

Essential Fuel Tests For Healthcare

Fuel Helth Checklist

How To Prevent Diesel Fuel Microbes

Hurricane Preparation Fuels Guide

Tank Partners Fuels Guide

Condition Testing For Mission Critical Fuels

Fuel Tests You Need to Know About

Hospitals and Healthcare on our Blog
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