The History of Ethanol Use in US: How Did We Get Here?
The history of ethanol's use as fuel in the United States predates any waivers and mandates that may have come around in the last 30 years. Ethanol...
1 min read
Erik Bjornstad : Feb 24 2015
An article recently appeared in The Chronicle in Lovell, WY. Jim Minchow, owner of Minchow's Service talks about gas prices but his comments about using Mix-i-Go really got our attention.
"Until a few months ago, Minchow was able to resist purchasing gas with ethanol in it, feeling that the bio fuel is bad for engines. But now he can only purchase premium with no ethanol, so he is adding an additive, Mix-I-Go, to his fuel, which he said stabilizes the fuel and adds lubricity to the fuel, which is good for fuel pumps and injectors. The additive also removes moisture so the fuel burns cleaner and provides better gas mileage. But he said the additive does add about 3 cents per gallon to the price of gas."
Thanks for the kind words Jim and thank you for using Mix-i-Go to eliminate water issues arising from the use of gasoline with ethanol added.
The history of ethanol's use as fuel in the United States predates any waivers and mandates that may have come around in the last 30 years. Ethanol...
Most gas stations today sell E10 and E15 gasoline. Since most gas stations don’t sell ethanol free gas anymore, you are almost forced to put...
For the second year in a row, the NASCAR drivers at the Daytona 500 will be running on "american ethanol" - ethanol-blended fuels made from corn...