Accidentally mixing gasoline and diesel fuel - What happens then?
Here's a couple of scenarios we've come across. Someone calls us at the Bell office and starts to describe a situation where they had a diesel tank...
1 min read
Bell Performance : Mar 20 2013
Word from Israel is that they're having to bring in a back-up limo from nearby Jordan because the primary presidential limosine was accidentally filled with diesel fuel instead of gasoline. This, of course, rendered it inoperable, or at least until they can flush the fuel system and get the diesel fuel out. Given the tight schedule of President Obama's trip to Israel over the next few days, waiting wasn't really an option. So the backup is on its way.
Gasoline engines will not operate on diesel fuel because diesel fuel has a higher temperature of ignition than gasoline does. So diesel fuel will not burn or combust in the way necessary for an engine that is engineered to operate on the combustion qualities of gasoline fuel, which is less dense (lighter weight) and burns at a lower temperature than the diesel fuel now contaminating the presidential limo.
I wonder if someone brought some ethanol fuel with them for the trip?
The Guardian Newspaper in the United Kingdom broke the story.
Here's a couple of scenarios we've come across. Someone calls us at the Bell office and starts to describe a situation where they had a diesel tank...
Diesels are more popular in Europe than gasoline-powered cars, accounting for more than 50 percent of all cars sold. Yet, in the United States, the...
We saw a study back in January commissioned by the Freedonia Group of Ohio which predicted global demand for fuel additives would rise 5% a year...