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Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast
Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

2 min read

Diesel Additive for Better Mileage at National Trucking Company

Diesel Additive for Better Mileage at National Trucking Company

Since 1963 Wes-Flo has been an interstate carrier with service to 48 states. Based in Tampa, they guarantee overnight delivery to Florida destinations but have a focus on delivering to all of the 48 states they service quickly and cost-effectively. Their dedication to cost-effective operations, coupled with the high volume of miles they cover every year, led them to Bell Performance and Dee-Zol.

Wes-Flo Trucking

diesel additive for better mileage"Wes-Flo Trucking has been around for 50 years and we’ve tried a number of different additives in an effort to increase mileage and performance, " said Stephen Johnston, Director of Maintenance, WES-FLO Co. "We found most of them do little or nothing which made me believe that all this stuff is snake oil. We were then introduced to a product from Bell Performance called Dee-Zol but I was reluctant to try it at first because of bad results we experienced from previously tried additives. They told me that Bell Performance has a performance guarantee so I figured I had nothing to lose. "

Dee-Zol: A Diesel Additive for Better Mileage

First developed in 1957, Dee-Zol is the most complete high-quality diesel treatment in the marketplace today. Diesel fuel has a great need for fuel treatments because it doesn’t burn as cleanly as gasoline does. Diesel engines also tend to last longer and get dirtier than gasoline engines.  And with the federal additive requirements for diesel not being the same as gasoline, diesel engines cry out for quality fuel treatment to prevent diesel fuel-related issues like black smoke, poor mileage, water build-up , lubricity and cold flow problems (in the winter).
Dee-Zol’s multi-purpose concentrated formula increases mileage and horsepower, lowers the cetane requirement of the engine (for easier starting and better performance), reduces pollutants and black smoke, and removes harmful water buildup that can damage injectors.  Dee-Zol’s powerful detergent package keeps diesel injectors and combustion chambers clean and in peak working order, bringing dirty diesel engines back to like-new condition and function.

The Result

"Many of our trucks have over a million miles on them and prior to using Dee-Zol we replaced a lot of fuel injectors and our fuel mileage was only 4-5 miles per gallon. Since adding Dee-Zol to our fuel we haven’t had to replace a single fuel injector and our mileage has jumped up to about 6-7 mpg. With the number of miles we log each year that is a huge savings. This stuff is the real deal." -Stephen Johnston, Director of Maintenance, WES-FLO Co. (Tampa FL)

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