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Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast
Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Erik Bjornstad

3 min read

Ways to make your car last forever

Okay, you really can't make your car last forever. But more and more people are moving away from the cycle of buying or leasing new vehicles every 2-3 years, instead electing to save money by keeping their current vehicles in the best-running shape...

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2 min read

The word from the engine makers: Gas additives for small engines

It's now four or five years on from the widespread infiltration of E10 into our fuel supply across the country. Now we're at the point where we're...

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3 min read

The 5 Worst Things a Mechanic Can Tell You

Cars are so complicated that a simple rattling noise could turn out to be nothing or it could be the start of a four-figure repair job. We always say...

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3 min read

Coming soon - more potholes. Highway Trust Fund Running Out of Money

What were you doing way back in 1993? Whitney Houston's iconic I Will Always Love You was the number one song in the land. Google would not be...

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3 min read

How to Wash Your Car the Right Way

We're changing things up a little bit here. We like to talk about fuels and oils and engines, but we also know people like to keep their cars looking...

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Henry Ford's Garage (and more)

3 min read

Henry Ford's Garage (and more)

The name Henry Ford stands among the giants of the giants in American industrial history, alongside figures like Getty, Rockefeller and Vanderbilt.

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2 min read

Ethanol and the environment - the news isn't all good

The whole point of blending ethanol into gasoline across the nation was to improve the environment by making gasoline burn cleaner. Cleaner burning...

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1 min read

3 Reasons Why Commuters Should Embrace Diesel

We’ve all been subject to the whims of unstable gas prices for years. They go up, down, and back up, with no discernible reasons why. Dissatisfaction...

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2 min read

Should You Go Hybrid? 10 Things to Consider First

Americans have many reasons for wanting to buy a car that is “green.” For some, buying a hybrid vehicle satisfies that goal - a car that runs on...

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1 min read

Seven Reasons Why Your Next Commuter Car Should be a Diesel

Diesels are more popular in Europe than gasoline-powered cars, accounting for more than 50 percent of all cars sold. Yet, in the United States, the...

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