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Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

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Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

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Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast
Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Bell Performance

The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #7 - Mix-I-Go Takes To The Air!

1 min read

The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #7 - Mix-I-Go Takes To The Air!

Back in 1927, Robert Bell figured out how to suspend water in fuel and developed his Mix-I-Go formulation. It wasn't too much later that, of all people, the British Royal Air Force (RAF) came calling to Mr. Bell's doorstep.

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The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #6 - The Faces of Mix-I-Go

Since Mix-I-Go was developed way back in 1927, you might expect its look to have changed a bit over the years.

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1 min read

The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #5 - Mix-I-Go Around The World!

There's a funny scene in Tim Allen's Christmas classic movie The Santa Clause where Tim Allen as Scott Calvin (or Santa) talks about how he is known...

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The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #4 - Hydrofuel!

If you were driving a state highway in the 1950s (the federal interstate system didn't start until 1956), it's entirely possible you might have seen...

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The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #3 - 1927 vs Today

1 min read

The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #3 - 1927 vs Today

Robert Bell finally finished development work on Mix-I-Go in 1927. Unlike his previous development (O-M-I-GO 76), Mix-I-Go was a multi-function...

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The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #2 - Mix-I-Go and Ethanol

1 min read

The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #2 - Mix-I-Go and Ethanol

We've been hearing about ethanol in our gasoline a lot in the past couple of years, but many people don't realize that ethanol has been used as fuel...

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The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #1 - How Mix-I-Go Was Born

1 min read

The 12 Days of Mix-I-Go: Day #1 - How Mix-I-Go Was Born

If you’re familiar with Bell Performance, you have heard more than a few times that Bell Performance “invented” the fuel additive industry. It...

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2 min read

How to Check Gas Mileage

Most simply, fuel mileage is determined by dividing the number of miles you have traveled by the number of gallons of fuel consumed. But in the real...

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2 min read

Let's Give Thanks!

With Thanksgiving approaching, today we temporarily move away from education about fuels and fuel treatments to consider a few interesting and...

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2 min read

What does Bell Performance have to do with Social Media?

Some time by the end of this year, it will become official that over half of the population of the United States has a Facebook account. 70% of all...

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