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Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast
Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Bell Performs Blog

Information for Commercial Fuel Users and Servicers

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Fuel Testing (3)

testing stored fuel for microbes

3 min read

Being Selective is important (for testing microbes)

This blog post isn't about quite what you might think. We're talking about microbial testing. Today's stored fuels require a lot more upkeep than the...

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Preventing problems with the testing of aviation fuel properties

3 min read

Preventing problems with the testing of aviation fuel properties

Much of this information is taken from the helpful document ASTM D1655 – The Standard Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels. Among the many...

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fuel testing for microbes

5 min read

Fuel testing for microbes: Better options for managing stored fuel

Successfully managing stored fuel entails a lot of considerations, bringing with the territory lots of people giving advice and guidelines and best...

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1 min read

Hurricane Irma: The Newest Test

If you’re anywhere in the state of Florida or surrounding states, you’ve probably been knee deep in hurricane preparations for a few days now,...

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4 min read

Stored Fuel Testing Part 3: The needs of your business

As a service to our customers, dealers and friends, Bell Performance hosts quarterly webinars on fuel topics of interest to their friends and their...

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28 min read

Stored Fuel Testing Part 2: The best tests to run

As a service to our customers, dealers and friends, Bell Performance hosts quarterly webinars on fuel topics of interest to their friends and their...

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9 min read

Stored Fuel Testing Part 1: What you need to know

As a service to our customers, dealers and friends, Bell Performance hosts quarterly webinars on fuel topics of interest to their friends and their...

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2 min read

Fuel Tests You Need To Know About

Take a set of different business and service entities. Government municipalities. Backup generator users and generator service companies. Fuel...

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3 min read

The Value of Diesel Fuel Testing

The value of diesel fuel testing lies in the fact it tells you things about your fuel that you can’t otherwise know. That’s also why it is so...

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1 min read

Annual fuel testing is essential (but you don't have to do it all)

There are thousands of old storage tanks dotting the landscape across the nation with untold gallons of old fuel inside them. How many of them have...

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