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Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast
Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

1 min read

Fuel Contamination can be Avoided with Clean Fuel and Sound Practices

Fuel Contamination can be Avoided with Clean Fuel and Sound Practices

Fuel contamination of gas, diesel, ethanol or biodiesel is no laughing matter when it reaches the consumer.

Recall back in August of 2012, the giant recall of contaminated gas in Indiana and the northern midwest.

It's not certain how much the recall ended up costing BP, the manufacturer of the gasoline, but it caused a lot of drivers some expensive repair bills ($1300 or more per case), all because the gasoline was contaminated with some sludgy compounds that shouldn't have been there.

fuel contaminationRecall another recent blog post we did where diesel storage tanks were tested and found to be contaminated with ethanol that was contributing to tank corrosion.  This is a leftover symptom from the fuel distribution system having to handle both ethanol and diesel fuel.  So fuel contamination affects both consumers and business or mass fuel users, and can end up costing both parties. Fuel that is properly stored and moved through a clean distribution system shouldn't cause anyone problems with respect to contamination products.  It is only when something in the system moves away from best practices that these problems arise.  Beyond making sure gasoline and ethanol don't mix with diesel, best practices would normally include housekeeping to take away accumulated water, making sure tank integrity was sound (to prevent water from getting in), and treating stored fuel with antioxidants and metal deactivators to keep reaction precursors in the fuel from interacting and breaking the fuel down.

Ethanol Problems Facing Consumers


Storing Fuel Long Term

Storing Fuel Long Term

What kind of things make fuels like biodiesel or diesel or ethanol go bad? What’s the best way to protect the investment made in these fuels?

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Diesel Changes: More Fuel Contamination

Diesel Changes: More Fuel Contamination

It's not just ethanol in gas that's been changing the fuel landscape and causing unexpected problems. Now that ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel has been...

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How Biofuels Have Changed the Fuels We Use Today: Part 3

How Biofuels Have Changed the Fuels We Use Today: Part 3

As a service to our customers, dealers and friends, Bell Performance hosts quarterly webinars on fuel topics of interest to them and their customers....

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