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Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast
Check out The Fuel Pulse Show Podcast

Erik Bjornstad

fuel testing for microbes

5 min read

Fuel testing for microbes: Better options for managing stored fuel

Successfully managing stored fuel entails a lot of considerations, bringing with the territory lots of people giving advice and guidelines and best practices on what you should or should not be doing. Frankly, it can be a bit much at times for the...

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Fuel Health Check for Emergency Fuel

2 min read

The importance of your emergency fuel's "health score"

These days, people are trying to quantify everything, to come up with a number that tells them in simple terms what they think they need to know. It...

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Check out this Video

4 min read

The Debate Over Diesel Fuel Storage Regulations

What are the requirements for diesel fuel? What properties does it need to have? On one level, there’s ASTM D-975 which lists off the specifications...

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Check out this Video

3 min read

The Fuel Sample You Get Is Your Reality

Earlier this year, we conducted a couple of webinars on the crucial elements of condition monitoring and condition sampling for stored fuels. To put...

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2 min read

Sidestepping Fuel Distribution System Snags

The more you know about the nationwide problems of microbial contamination in stored fuel, the less it should surprise you to ever find microbial...

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how often to check stored fuel

2 min read

How often to check stored fuel

An essential pare of proper care of stored fuel is monitoring its condition to pay attention to any changes that might hint at a problem developing....

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Check out this Video

2 min read

Today's diesel fuels and removal of sulfur: were the fears realized?

We’re now more than a decade out from the big change in diesel fuel specifications of 2006 – the lowering of the on-road sulfur limit from 500 ppm to...

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fuel contamination

2 min read

Minor Things That Speed up Fuel Contamination

When we think of diesel fuel contamination, we consider different broad categories of contaminants. Sludge and biomass are considered soft...

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Fuel and Tank Service  Bell Performance

7 min read

Condition Monitoring – Don’t Have Stored Fuel Without It Part 5

This summer we hosted a webinar called Condition Monitoring for Stored Fuels. During the webinar we explained what condition monitoring is and the...

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sample handling and time sensitivity

10 min read

Condition Monitoring – Don’t Have Stored Fuel Without It Part 4

This summer we hosted a webinar called Condition Monitoring for Stored Fuels. During the webinar we explained what condition monitoring is and the...

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