Product Testimonials | Bell Performance

Bottler Sees Fleet's Engine Life Doubled with Mix-I-Go

Written by Bell Performance | Jul 8 2011

“We have been using Bell Performance products for approximately 25 years.  Our first 55-gallon drum of Mix-I-Go was bought from one of Bell’s commercial salesmen with a money back guarantee.  We were looking for a product that would extend the life of our engines and reduce problems with burnt valves. We noticed immediate results.  The first thing we noticed was an increase in mileage sufficient to pay for the product.  However, more important to us was the fact that our burnt valve problem was practically eliminated.  Also our engine life was practically doubled.  Another interesting effect of using Mix-I-Go was that we observed the absence of water in our fuel systems.

Our use of Mix-I-Go has been continuous since our first 55-gallon drum 25 years ago."

Soft Drink Bottling Company, Georgia