Fuel Pulse Show | Bell Performance

Episode 036 - Microbe Myth - Controlling Water

Written by Erik Bjornstad | Nov 8, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Anyone who deals with stored fuel knows that microbial contamination is something they’re probably going to have to handle. Some know this is important, while for others, it’s more of an afterthought. Even so, it can be hard to sift through all of the information out there and know what to do and when to do it, so in this episode, I’ll talk about some of the most pervasive microbial myths that persist in the fuel community.

The first myth I will cover is the incorrect assumption that by controlling water, you can control the microbes in your stored fuel. You will find out why this long-held misconception came about and why this advice no longer applies today. I’ll break down the relationship between water, microbes, and fuel to give you a better understanding of how to deal with microbes in a proper and effective way.

Listen to the Full Episode:


What You'll Learn: 

  • How microbial contamination has been dealt with throughout the years.
  • The biggest problem with the misconceptions that surround microbes.
  • The relationship between water and microbes.
  • The two main claims that relate to controlling water in your tank.
  • Why microbes don’t even need free water—and what else they can use.
  • Key adaptations that you need to know about.
  • The main way to solve a microbe problem.

Ideas Worth Sharing:

  • “Many misconceptions about microbial contamination are hold-overs from when fuel was different and conditions were different and the rules were different.” - Erik Bjornstad
  • “Misconceptions can be damaging because they can lead us to believe that the problem isn’t really serious or that our particular situation is outside the risk zone.” - Erik Bjornstad
  • “Microbes have adapted to what's available to them.” - Erik Bjornstad
  • “Microbes actually do not have to have free water in order to do their thing.” - Erik Bjornstad
  • "Generalities like, ‘If you get rid of all the water, you get rid of the microbes,’ are vast oversimplifications of the truth.” - Erik Bjornstad
