Bell Performance Blog

Finding More Ethanol Free Gas

Written by Bell Performance | Feb 7 2012

Now that drivers spent 2011 learning about how bad ethanol was for them, the big question in 2012 is going to be where can I find gas without ethanol in it - where can I find ethanol free gas?

Last month we told you about the popular website which gives you a state-by-state listing of gas stations across the nation where drivers have found ethanol-free gas on sale.'s popularity continues to grow by leaps and bounds as more drivers seek answers to this question out of sheer desperation.

Another "Pure Gas" Web Site

This month, we found another great site that offers the same essential information but with a twist. The website enables you to search by state for "pure gas" stations in your area.   They have a form you can fill out if you can't find one nearby and they will email you suggestions on the nearest location.  And what's really cool is they have a map interface that enables you to locate the nearest ethanol free gas station to you by simply zooming in on your local state map.

Both of these excellent websites are great examples of how the Internet keeps changing our lives. 20 years ago, you couldn't find this type of information without, well, could you even find it anywhere? Now, the marketplace recognizes a problem and good citizens spring into action, getting solutions out into the digital world for access by anyone.  Technology is a wonderful thing!